Friday, October 2, 2009

my new venture

I have been cloth diapering memphis for about three months now? Close to it anyway. In that time, I have spent more money that I wanted to, but couldn't resist all the cute prints, and tyring out new diapers. Well, seeing all the diapers sparked a fuse. I use to sew a lot when I was little, making all types of different things. I am the type of person that likes to look at something and figure out how it was made. I started researching online, what types of materials and patterns.... I bought a fattycakes pattern, and made a few diapers before submitting photos to Berritt, the creator of the pattern, so that I could be approved to sell them. There are many patterns out there that you have to pay a hefty fee to sell them.... since I am fairly new to this, I am not tyring to waste money! Anyway, got approved, posted in my cuties with cloth booties group that I am in on cafemom, got three testers :) Was super proud of all the diapers that went out, well, except for one, I totally messed up the snaps in the back and it was crooked... but I couldn't fix it or there would have been a huge hole!!! Soooooo, I told her that I would make her another diaper, half off retail when I get everything up and running. But there are labels to design,. a website to create, and supplies that need to be bought :) But I am doing this as slowly as I can, as I am not working right now.... which means we are living on a budget, the whole point of cloth in the first place :) So, City fluff has been born :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

toothache from hell

I have to go to the dentist. ASAP. My tooth cracked and broke and it hurts like nothing else. Can't go until saturday :( I have avoided the dentist since I was pregnant with harlem, even before that really. I hate it, have such a fear. My teeth are in bad shape anyway because I had Leukemia as a child and was given chemo.radiation.drugs. that aged my teeth, well, pregnancy sucks them dry. After each of the children were born I have had some major dental issues. but darnell told me today that we, as in ME, has to get it taken care of, I mean, I don't want to have to have my tooth pulled, hopefully they can save it. But I am going to have to beef up on the calcium and my vitamins because my body is being sucked dry by my little fat man who nurses all day long. I hate the dentist, avoid him like the plague.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cloth diapers 101

So I am obsessed. I found this site, diaperswappers... where people sell or trade their used cloth diapers, or where work at home mama's sell their products... and I am obsessed, I have started stalking one of the WAHM's blogs, fell in love with her diapers and have ordered from her. I am on her List :) Her diapers are called guerrilla fluff, and they are tooo cute for words. I LOVE THEM, and I haven't even seen them in person, just her pictures. So anyways, this site has all different types of diapers, covers and tips and tricks of the Tades to learn about... whenever I talk to my sister, I have something new to tell her, and she is like get over it, I don't want to hear about it!! LOL well, now she does! She just had my nephew this morning, he was 8.12, 19.5 inches long, and she was in labor from 5:50 Am, until she popped him out at 7:09 am.... that's right, less than two hours from the time she got to the hospital until she had him. WITH NO DRUGS!!!!! She is doing great, and so is little David Patrick the 3rd :) anyways, she wants to know if she should try to use cloth with the new baby, so of course I was all over it, telling her all the new things that I have learned, and things that I didn't want to learn about cloth!!
Cloth is supposed to save money, but I haven't gotten to that point yet... I just keep spending money, and hope that in the end it isn't that much more than buying huggies every week! but it should be, worth it in the end, just seems pricey to start. I wish that I would have wanted to cloth diaper Boston and Harlem... we will see where this journey takes us!

Anyway, the whole point of me figuring out the password to my account here and started to fill in the blanks was because Novia, creator of Guerrilla Fluff, my all time favorite cloth diapers (okay.. I don't have any experience yet with any diapers besides Gdiapers, but still, they are going to be my favorite because I ordered 15 diapers from her :) is doing a contest, and I have to post comments on her blog, that I occasionally stalk to find out the status on my diaper order... LOL so I decided to give her a shout out.. they are super cute and very affordable when you consider the cost of similar diapers... and the fabric choices rock... There is one that I want to see if she can get, it says "me and God are like this" and it has a hand with fingers crossed on it, but not sure how my husband would feel about that being on a diaper? LOL who knows, it was really cool though :) So I am off to post a comment that I joined her yahoo group and get the links to post in my signature at diaperswappers, my new home away from the cafe... cafemom that is :)

lets see.....

So, I have had this blog for awhile, haven't started it or caught up with it... I was pregnant when my friend was like Oh you should blog! Well, I never did. Life happened, and now I have a kindergartner, Boston, a should be preschooler, Harlem, and my new bundle of joy, Memphis. We have been really busy because Boston is playing football, he just started school, and I am not working. It seems, that life was much, much easier when I was working. I had to leave the house at a certain time, didn't fight with the kids to eat lunch, picked them up, fed them dinner, and that was the jest of it... I mean, we spent all of our **my** free time together, if I wasn't at work, I was with the kids.. but the schedule just seemed so much better. Now, there is really no schedule... Boston goes to school in the afternoon, EXCEPT Wednesdays, where he goes at 8:40... totally throws us off for the week. Harlem is having a hard time adjusting to his big brother being gone, but I am loving the time we spend together. The only thing is that potty training is soooo not happening with Harlem. He just doesn't care. Has no desire what so ever to use the potty or even tell me when he poops in his diaper... oh well. Hopefully he won't want to wear diapers to kindergarten because at the end of the day I have done nothing, but it feels soooo draining! No time for the potty battle!!!!